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within the Diocese of San Bernardino

Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God

January 1st

Not a Holy Day Of Obligation

Celebrates the Blessed Virgin Mary’s role in salvation through her divine and virginal motherhood as the Mother of Jesus Christ, Son of God.

Ash Wednesday

March 5

Not a Holy Day Of Obligation

A day of Fast and Abstinence.

Begins the season of Lent by imposing ashes on foreheads with the sign of our redemption, the Cross. A call to “turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel.”

Season of Lent

Begins on Ash Wednesday & Ends Easter Sunday

A season of conversion, marked by two themes, baptismal and penitential. These forty days help us to prepare for Easter.

Every Friday of Lent is a day of Abstinence and Fasting.


April 20th

Sundays are always a day of Holy Obligation.

Commemorates the Paschal Mystery, Christ’s death, resurrection, and ascension into heaven Easter is not simply one feast among others, but the "Feast of feasts," the "Solemnity of solemnities”.

Ascension of the Lord

June 1st

Sundays are always a day of Holy Obligation.

Commemorates the Ascension of Christ into heaven 40 days after his Resurrection from the dead.


June 8th

Sundays are always a day of Holy Obligation.

Commemorates the fulfillment of Christ’s Passover in the outpouring of the Holy Spirit to the apostles and the Church. Concludes the Easter Season.

Corpus Christ, The Body & Blood of Christ

June 22nd

Sundays are always a day of Holy Obligation.

Celebrates the reality of the Lord’s abiding presence with us in the gift of the Eucharist and the mystery of the real presence of Christ’s Body and Blood under the appearance of bread and wine.

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

August 15th

A Holy Day Of Obligation

Commemorates the taking into heaven of Mary, soul and body, at the end of her life on earth. A truth of faith that was proclaimed a dogma by Pius XII on Nov. 1, 1950.

All Saints

November 1st

A Holy Day Of Obligation

This Solemnity celebrates all the saints in heaven, a source of hope and encouragement for the entire Church as she walks by faith, helped by the example of the saints.

All Souls

November 2nd

A Not Holy Day Of Obligation

A commemoration of all the Faithful Departed.

Christ the King

November 23rd

Sundays are always a day of Holy Obligation.

Honoring Jesus as our King.

First Sunday of Advent

December 1st

Sundays are always a day of Holy Obligation.

This marks the beginning of the Liturgical Year. The Advent season (First Sunday of Advent until Christmas) is a time of expectant waiting in hope for the comings of the Lord: the past historical coming of Jesus Christ, the presence of Christ in our World today and “looking forward in joyful hope for the coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ”.

Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

December 8th

A Holy Day Of Obligation

Commemorates the fact that Mary, in view of her calling to be the Mother of Christ and in virtue of his merits, was preserved from the first moment of conception from original sin.


The precept to attend Mass on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception is maintained, even if the day falls on a Saturday or Monday.


This Solemnity commemorates the fact that Mary, in view of her calling to be the Mother of Christ and in virtue of his merits, was preserved from the first moment of conception from original sin.

Nativity of Our Lord, Christmas

December 25th

A Holy Day Of Obligation

Commemorates the birth of Christ.

San Secondo d'Asti Roman Catholic Church

250 N. Turner Avenue, Guasti (Ontario), CA 91761

Parish Office: 909-390-0011    

Fax Number: 909-390-9919



Parish Office Hours

Monday - Saturday

9:00 AM - 3:00 PM


Closed Sunday.

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